The Delta Peachbottom Fish and Game Association is a private club located in the borough of Delta, Pennsylvania which is in the Southeastern part of the state. We are about an hour north of Baltimore, MD and about 45 minutes south of Lancaster, PA just over the Mason/Dixon Line. Our membership roles average about 650 individuals who enjoy hunting, fishing, shooting sports, archery and practice conservation of our natural resources.
Outdoor Facilities
The club is situated on 21 acres of land with a stream, woods and open areas used for ranges. Club members are permitted to hunt on club property and must possess a valid PA Hunting license to do so. Fishing in our stream is permitted for kids age12 and under and seniors 65 and over possessing a valid PA Fishing License. Firearms ranges include a 25 yard Pistol Range and a 100 yard Rifle Range. Both feature a pavillion covered shooting line and are normally open from 8:00 AM to dusk 7 days a week for members use. Range Rules are posted and are expected to be followed.
A field archery range is also maintained for club members general use. Wooded trails are used for special events like 3D Archery courses or Black Powder Woods Walks.
A small fenced play area is provided for the kids along with an covered bar-b-que pit for special occasions. The club grounds provide a pleasant place to spend an afternoon but bring your hearing protection due to the close proximity of the ranges.
Club House
Our clubhouse consists of 2 basic areas. The first is the Main Hall which serves as a meeting area, class room, banquet hall, and even an indoor archery range. It can comfortably hold about 100 people. The second is the Kitchen area which houses a small but fully equipped kitchen, a fireplace and a smaller meeting area. The club is handicapped accessible to include restroom facilities. Use of the clubhouse is for members only and activities must be approved by the club Board of Directors. We do not "rent" our facilities.
Board of Directors
President - Jim Dawson
Vice President - Jim Hurt
Secretary - Sherri Domenico
Treasurer - Morgan Vallejo
Bill Combs
Bill Ensor
George Meyn
Joe Kling
Milton Curtis
Ross Blake
Tony Domenico
Ruddy Vallejo
Chris Tillman