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Club Activties

There is always something happening at the club!  See below for events and details on how to get involved in YOUR club.


Civilian Marksmanship Program - 2021


These are formal rifle matches for hi powered, military style rifles and are held on the fourth Saturday of each month.  The dates are available on the club calender.  Sign up can be done by phone or in person on the day of the shoot by 7:45 a.m.  The shoot will start 8:00 a.m. sharp rain or shine.  For additional information contact Joe Kling at 717-319-7358. 


Kids Fish Day


This is one of the most enjoyable events held at the club.  Youngsters 2 to 12 are allowed to catch 5 fish from the club stream, some of which are bragging size trout.  Prizes are awarded in many categories and nearly every child will get something.  They are also allowed to keep their fish.  This event is open to the public and will be normally held on the first Saturday of May, but confirm on the club calendar.  All anglers must register before fishing.  All youngsters must be accompanied by an adult.  Sign up will start at 8:00 am and fishing will be from 10 to 12.


Long Bow Weekend

The range will be open only to long bow shooters.  This event dates are on the club calendar in August.  Camping is available on the grounds.  No electric hookups, but wood and water are available.  For more info call Jim Hurt at 410-271-6669. Signup time is 6:00 AM


Steel Challenge Pistol - These shots are held the 4th Sunday of the month, check the calendar for dates and details.

On-line pre-registration is preferred, visit the website: 

Shooting begins at 9:30 AM with registration beginning at 8:00 AM. Safety briefing begins at 9:00am, you must be at the safety briefing or you cannot shoot. Shooters will need at least 150-200 rounds of ammunition. 

For more information contact Katie Novotny @443-617-7568.


Ammo should be PRE-LOADED INTO MAGAZINES for each station!!! ( You may reload between stages, but not strings) Shooters will only be able to shoot the ammo that they have pre-loaded and on themselves once they step into the box.... This is both a time safety issue. Any shooters that have less than the needed round count in magazines will still be able to shoot---but once out of pre-loaded magazines, the shooter is DONE for that station/stage. Eye and ear protection is mandatory.  NO INSIDE THE WAISTBAND HOLSTERS ALLOWED. No concealed holsters.  No loaded firearms until instructed by the RSO to 'load and make ready'.  Firearms are only to be uncased or unholstered at designated areas. No exceptions.

Any pistol caliber handgun or carbine may be used-- no magnum, steel core,FN5.7 or 22TCM ammo !!  

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          You have the choice of taking either the Independent Study Course or the full instructional course each year in August.  For the independent study course, you would register online and study on your own.  Then you would need to come to the club and take the test.

            For the instructional course you preregister online and come to the club for the instructional course and test. We start promptly at 8 am and late arrivals will be turned away.  Lunch is provided by the club.

            All first time hunters need the hunter safety certificate card to purchase a hunting license.  The Hunter Safety Card is valid in any state and is also required if you plan to hunt out of state.  To register for either course, go to the PA Game commission website at an select the Hunter Education tab at the center of the page.  Select the course that you wish to take and search the dates to register.  Once the date is selected the course information will be available.


DPBFNG has a group of Authorized Instructors who can provide training on property.  ONLY DPBFNG Authorized Instructors can hold training/courses on site.  The club hosts legal seminars, firearms courses of all levels, and Hunter safety courses.  Contact Tony Domenico, Jr. for more information.

Our Address

173 Pikes Peak Road

Delta Pa 17314

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Tel: 717 456 9066

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