- For current newsletter click here:
Current Club News
​-When communicating with the club via the website be sure to email the appropriate member. For example if you have a membership questions email the membership chair.
- Be sure to check the website calendar for events, training opportunities, and activities. All events will list a contact person.
- for those of you who still need hours in your first year, Contact the club President, Jim Dawson, for information and to set up a time to get those hours. His email is jdawson@baltimorecountymd.gov
- Any new members who need to complete service hours please review the list of jobs that need completed. Contact a Board member or chairperson of the event to arrange hours. Remember, if 8 hours are not completed your membership will not be renewed.(bring tools if you need them)
Line stripping/painting in parking lot
Gutter repair and cleaning
Downspout repair
Rifle Range backers
Archery backers
Target Stands
T 1-11 needs replaced
Scrub tables and chairs
Floors in club house need mopped/waxed
Wipe down walls in clubhouse
Garage needs reorganized, swept, cleaned
Archery shed need cleaned out
Firewood to be cut, split, and stacked